Additives and Spices
Additives for brewing; water treatment, clarification, spices, and flavor extracts.
Clarifiers & Finings | Water Treatment | Yeast Nutrients, Enhancers & Additives | Spices

White Labs Brewzyme-D - 10ml
Stop Diacetyl in its tracks Eliminate the risk of diacetyl formation in your beer with Brewzyme D. Adding Brewzyme-D with your yeast pitch results ...
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White Labs Clarity Ferm
Clear Beer, Gluten-Reduced Brewing Achieve brilliantly clear beer and lower gluten content with Clarity Ferm. This innovative enzyme breaks down ha...
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Whirlfloc Tablet - 10 count
Whirlfloc tablets are a blend of Irish moss and purified carrageenan that help precipitate haze-causing proteins and beta glucans resulting in a cl...
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Yeast Nutrient
Yeast Nutrient is a mixture of diammonium phosphate and food-grade urea that nourishes yeast, ensuring that it remains healthy throughout fermentat...
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Lactose 1 lb.
A milk-based sugar that is not fully fermentable by beer yeast. Adds body and sweetness to sweet stouts. Add to boil.

Irish Moss
A kettle fining derived from seaweed. Add 1 teaspoon per 5 gallons to the last 15 minues of the boil to enhance cold break (protein coagulation).

Gypsum 1 lb.
Gypsum (calcium sulfate) adds permanent hardness (calcium ions) to brewing water; 1 gram per gallon adds 62 ppm calcium, 147 ppm sulfate. Brewers ...
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Wyeast Brewer Choice Yeast Nutrient Blend 1.5 oz
Wyeast Labsproprietary blend of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, nitrogen compounds, zinc, and trace elements necessary for rapid and complete fer...
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Calcium Chloride 1 lb.
Calcium Chloride lowers mash pH; 1 gram per gallon adds 72 ppm calcium, 127 ppm chloride. Calcium Chloride is hydrated calcium chloride used to cor...
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Yeast Energizer
Yeast energizer is a blend of diammonium phosphate, yeast hulls, magnesium sulphate, and vitamin B complex. Used to stimulate or restart a fermenta...
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Cacao Nibs (Ecuador) 4 oz.
Roasted Cacao nibs from Ecuador. Cacao nibs are the crushed seeds of the cacao plant from which chocolate is made. They can be used to add a rich c...
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Fermaid O Yeast Nutrient
Fermaid O is an Organic version of Fermaid K. It is an autolyzed yeast nutrient with a high content of organic nitrogen (amino acids). It is formu...
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Silver Cloud Flavor Extracts for Craft Beer, Wine, Seltzer, & Mead - 2 oz.
Silver Cloud flavoring is meant for use during the time of bottling beer, wine, or mead. The most common recommended starting dosage level on flavo...
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Biofine Clear - 1 oz.
Biofine Clear is a clarifying agent designed to drop yeast and haze-forming particles out of your beer. Highly effective, Biofine Clear will make b...
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Coriander Seed 1 oz.
Coriander has a spicy, slightly lemony aroma and flavor. Finely crush the seeds and add at the end of the boil for spiced beer and Belgian ales (pa...
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Fermaid K Yeast Nutrient
Fermaid K is a blended complex yeast nutrient that supplies ammonia salts (DAP), free amino acids (organic nitrogen derived from inactivated yeast)...
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Campden Tablets (sodium metabisulfite)
Campden Tablets: Sodium Metabisulfite (SMS) prevents wild yeast, bacteria growth, and oxidation in your wine. Sodium Metabisulfite also works well ...
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Fermcap-S Foam Inhibitor- 1 oz.
An anti-foam agent that can be used during fermentation to eliminate messy blowoff. As soon as fermentation is over, this insoluble compound settle...
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Super Kleer KC Finings
An excellent all-purpose fining for beer or wine. Clears 12-48 hours after adding to the secondary fermenter. Contains kieselsol and chitosan. This...
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Go-Ferm Rehydration Nutrient 10 grams
Go-Ferm is certified organic by OMRI. It is a natural yeast rehydration nutrient containing a balance of micronutrients. Suspend Go-Ferm in the reh...
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Malto Dextrin 8 oz.
A largely unfermentable carbohydrate; add to the boil to increase body and mouthfeel in low-gravity beers.

Amylase enzyme - 1 lb.
Amylase Enzyme is typically used by all-grain brewers to add to a high adjunct mash that may be low in enzymes to aid in converting starches into s...
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Phosphoric Acid 8 oz
10% solution. May be used to lower sparge water pH; more stable than lactic acid at high temperatures. This product is only eligible for ground shi...
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